书籍名称 | 作者 | 译者 | 出版社 |
北京市心理援助热线反复来电者的特征 | 王翠玲 | 王翠玲 | 中国心理卫生杂志 |
History of suicidal behavior and clozapine prescribing among people with schizophrenia in China: A cohort study | 殷怡 | 殷怡 | BMC Psychiatry |
心理援助热线成年与未成年自杀高危来电者特征及干预效果的影响因素比较 | 赵丽婷 | 赵丽婷 | 四川精神卫生 |
北京市心理援助热线成年女性来电者的特征分析 | 安静 | 安静 | 中国妇幼健康研究 |
北京市心理援助热线青少年来电者近期自杀意念的危险因素 | 安静 | 安静 | 中国心理卫生杂志 |
北京市心理援助热线青少年来电者的特征 | 安静 | 安静 | 中国心理卫生杂志 |
Effectiveness of a localised and systematically developed gatekeeper training program in preventing suicide among Chinese adolescents | 安静 | 安静 | Asian Journal of Psychiatry |
Development of the life gatekeeper suicide prevention training programme in China: A delphi study | 安静 | 安静 | General Psychiatry |
The age of onset and cognitive impairment at the early stage of schizophrenia | 殷怡 | 殷怡 | Cognitive Neurodynamics |
Auditory hallucinations, depressive symptoms, and current suicidal ideation or behavior among patients with acute-episode schizophrenia | 殷怡 | 殷怡 | Archives of Suicide Research |